R.A. Epigonos et al.

[Debian] システムの HDD を交換、乗せ換え

システムの入っている HDD の空き容量が少なくなってきたので、大規模アップデートが予定されている前に交換しておきたい。dd_rescue を使う。


% badblocks -v -s -w -o badblocks_sda.txt /dev/sda
Checking for bad blocks in read-write mode
From block 0 to 488386583
Testing with pattern 0xaa: done
Reading and comparing: done
Testing with pattern 0x55: done
Reading and comparing: done
Testing with pattern 0xff: done
Reading and comparing: done
Testing with pattern 0x00:   0.07% done, 27:13:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  2.07% done, 27:18:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  4.07% done, 27:23:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  6.07% done, 27:28:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  8.07% done, 27:33:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 92.13% done, 31:03:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 94.13% done, 31:08:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 96.12% done, 31:13:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 98.12% done, 31:18:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
Reading and comparing:   0.10% done, 31:23:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  1.81% done, 31:28:32 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  3.52% done, 31:33:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  5.23% done, 31:38:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
  6.94% done, 31:43:33 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 95.59% done, 36:03:34 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 97.30% done, 36:08:34 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 99.00% done, 36:13:34 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)


% vmstat 60
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  1      0   4756  15984  49668    0    0    14    26  607 1467  1 12  2 85  0
 1  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32221  640 1537  0 13  0 86  0
 1  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32211  639 1538  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32235  635 1537  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32245  632 1535  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32241  638 1537  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4764  15984  49604    0    0     0 32243  639 1536  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4692  15984  49612    0    0     0 32119  645 1541  1 13  0 86  0
 2  1      0   4672  15984  49612    0    0     0 32187  637 1534  0 13  0 87  0
 0  1      0   4076  16028  50112    0    0 24537  1360  885 1232 34 16  0 50  0
 1  0      0   4076  16028  50112    0    0 27609     0  958 1312 38 17  0 45  0
 1  1      0   4172  16028  50112    0    0 27610     0  959 1313 38 17  0 45  0
 0  1      0   4172  16028  50112    0    0 27614     0  959 1312 38 17  0 45  0


  1. はてなブックマーク
  2. Google Bookmarks
  3. del.icio.us


  1. Posted: 2008-07-27T21:33:45+09:00
  2. Modified: 2008-07-27T21:33:45+09:00
  3. Generated: 2025-02-17T23:09:13+09:00