R.A. Epigonos et al.

[free shell] sdf.org


新規にユーザを作成するにはユーザ名 new で sdf.org に ssh ログインする。いろいろ質問を聞かれるのでそれに答えるとアカウントが作成されてログイン可能になる。

$ ssh new@sdf.org
The authenticity of host 'sdf.org (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 53:2a:b3:92:a6:88:ca:c0:ff:c2:1b:d1:53:11:fc:4e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'sdf.org,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

You will now be connected to NEWUSER mkacct server.
Please login as 'new' when prompted.

Connected to ol.freeshell.org.
Escape character is 'off'.

NetBSD/amd64 (ol) (pts/0)

login: new

Welcome to the SDF Public Access UNIX System - Est. 1987
You are the 73rd guest today, logged in on ******************.

Are you using Windows 2K or XP? (Y/N) NO

Please press your BACKSPACE key:

Would you like to view the guestbook? (y/n) YES
[08-Sep-14 22:18:11       new            FINIsNow                    Gnu World]
% Hi!
[08-Sep-14 23:56:38       new           tobiyo254                             ]
% Puerto Rican Power
[09-Sep-14 00:28:37       new          Roonjdoshi                        Lhiva]
[09-Sep-14 01:28:18       new               davis                             ]
[09-Sep-14 02:44:32       new         Luis Suarez                      Uruguay]
[09-Sep-14 04:42:30       new I love it in  the pooper                   the pooper]
% seriously tho
[09-Sep-14 04:46:43       new        maslo smells                         poop]
% who pciked this up?

Would you like to sign the guestbook? (y/n) NO

You are about to create a UNIX shell account.  This account may be unlike
anything you've used before.  We urge you to carefully read all the text
displayed on your terminal, as it will aide you in your learning.
We also encourage you to try all the commands available with your new
account.  There are many types of games, applications and utilities
you will be able to instantly run in just a few moments.  If you are
looking for a particular command or version of a command that we do not
have, there are ways to request that it be installed.  We also offer DIALUP
and DSL in the USA and Canada which you will be able to learn about
shortly.  Be patient, read what is displayed - Explore and Enjoy!


First, you need to choose a LOGIN.  A LOGIN allows you to LOG IN
to the system.  Your LOGIN can be 1 to 16 characters in length and
can be composed of alpha-numeric characters (middle period is OK).

What would you like to use for your login? ******
   **limitations and policy**

   The SDF Public Access UNIX System makes no guarantees in the reliability
   or preservation of user accounts, email sent or received and files uploaded
   or created by online editing or compilation.  That being said, SDF makes a
   good effort to perform regular back ups and will restore from those back
   ups as quickly as possible in the event of a catastrophic hardware failure.

   Lifetime ARPA membership is based on the lifetime of SDF, not of the
   user and is non-transferable.  The SDF has existed since 1987 and with
   your support it will continue to be here.

   Members of the SDF Public Access UNIX System are expected to conduct
   themselves in an appropriate and reasonable manner when using our facilities.

   Illegal activities which include, but are not limited to, e-mail spamming,
   portflooding, unauthorized portscanning, unauthorized encryption cracking,
   unauthorized storing and distribution of copyrighted data and unauthorized
   connections to remote hosts are not allowed.  Your cooperation and care in
   the use of all aspects of the SDF is greatly appreciated.

I agree with your policy and accept it (yes/no): yes

By agreeing and accepting our policy we trust you to
follow it.  Thank you and be responsible!

Please answer the following questions as you see fit.

CTRL-U will clear input ..

Your Name:
Year of Birth:
Postal Zip Code:

Are you a K-12, University faculty member or student? (y/n) NO
Are you an Amateur Radio Operator? (y/n) NO
Do you use Analogue, ISDN Dialup or DSL? (y/n) YES

% SDF members can get US/Canadian dialup access for as low as $7/mo
  For more info, type 'dialup' once you finish creating your account.

  A number of DSL options are available as well including static IP
  assignment, dynamic DNS, SMTP AUTH and more.

  Further information can be found at http://www.tenex.org

Do you play Minecraft, MUDs, MOOs or MMORPG? (y/n) NO
Would you like to use features for the aurally or visually impaired? (y/n) NO
Where did you hear about SDF?
What do you want most out of a shell account?
Your SDF Service addresses
ssh/telnet/ftp      : sdf.org
IRC                 : irc.sdf.org
Jabber XMPP         : jabber.sdf.org
WWW URL             : http://******.sdf.org
WWW Gopher          : gopher://sdf.org/users/******
Webmail             : https://wm.sdf.org
StatusNet           : http://sdf.org/status
Diaspora            : https://dia.sdf.org
Deskshots           : http://deskshots.org
20GB Image Gallery  : http://sdf.org/g
20GB Video Gallery  : http://toobnix.org
CounterStrike       : cs.sdf.org
MineCraft           : mc.sdf.org
BZFlag              : sdf.org:5154
SDFMud (SMAUG)      : http://sdf.org/mud
OekakiChat          : http://pchat.sdf.org

Login          : ******
E-mail         : ******@sdf.org

Create the '******' account? (y/n) YES

Please set an initial password of up to 8 charaters.  Once you have
logged in via SSH, you will be able to set a longer password using
the 'passwd' command.  If you try to set an empty or blank password
now, you will not be able to login securely via SSH.

New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user ******

Creating login, please wait [Negotiating] Established!
Sending update, please wait [Negotiating] Established!
Creating your directories /udd/********, /www/********
Welcome to the SDF, ******!

If you'd like, please consider plotting a point on the SDF world user map:

If you use Twitter or Instagram, please follow @sdf_pubnix
We always follow those who retweet, favorite and comment.

Picking a host to login to .. using faeroes.sdf.org
Attempting a secure connection to faeroes.sdf.org ..
(If this doesn't work, connect back using 'tty.sdf.org')
******@faeroes's password:
[ '******' will expire in 666 days - Please 'validate' your account soon ]

Please press your BACKSPACE key:
SDF host uptime report for Seattle WA, Dallas TX (USA) and Germany (EU)
             Please use 'tty.sdf.org' for general access

bjork          up  19+22:44,    2 users,  load:   0.24,   0.45,   0.38
faeroes        up  16+00:51,   71 users,  load:   1.09,   0.76,   0.64
iceland        up  40+22:49,   46 users,  load:   1.58,   1.32,   1.28
miku           up     21:35,    2 users,  load:   0.09,   0.24,   0.38
mx             up  16+13:36,  371 users,  load:   1.29,   1.24,   1.25
norge          up   9+21:17,    1 users,  load:   0.16,   0.15,   0.14
odin           up  77+22:16,   42 users,  load:   3.74,   3.61,   3.70
ol             up  16+01:36,    3 users,  load:   0.34,   0.44,   0.50
sdf            up  16+13:50,  138 users,  load:   4.10,   4.09,   4.27
ukato          up  20+08:42,    4  user,  load:   0.02,   0.23,   0.14
vpn            up 515+22:43,  100  user,  load:   0.14,   0.12,   0.09
vps            up  69+13:19,   28 users,  load:   0.11,   0.12,   0.11
vps2           up 224+16:37,   28 users,  load:   0.00,   0.00,   0.00
                              836 total
The Moon is Full
             .--'  o     . .   `--.
          .-'   .    O   .       . `-.
       .-'@   @@@@@@@   .  @@@@@      `-
      /@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   .    \
    ./    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@       . \
   /@@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@@@@@@   O      \
  /@@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@@@@@@@@     @@@
  |@@@@@               . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|
 /@@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@     Full Moon +
 | @@@@    --`-'       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |  0 12:19:04
 |@ @@@        `    o      .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |  Last Quarter -
 |       @@  @         .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |  6 12:07:49
 \  . @        @@@     `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o
  |      @@   @@@@@ .           @@   .       |
  \     @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O    .     o   .
   \  o  @@     \ \  /         .    .       /
    `\     .    .\.-.___   .      .   .-. /
      \           `-'                `-' /
       `-.   o   / |     o    O   .   .-
          `-.   /     .       .    .-'
             `--.       .      .--'
[07-Sep-14 10:01:19       new             crabckp                          ind]
% carry on
[07-Sep-14 20:26:12       new              Kaljob                             ]
% This is amazing folks
[08-Sep-14 03:20:03       new                                            jarta]
% sad
[08-Sep-14 08:02:05       new        Ben Cottrell                  New Zealand]
% thanks for the free service.
[08-Sep-14 08:33:46       new              jimfan                    Hong Kong]
% Free Unix time sharing!!!
[08-Sep-14 09:44:16       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 13:42:56       new       Óscar Pérez                    Barcelona]
[08-Sep-14 18:46:18       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 18:52:21       new                 kim                  springfield]
[08-Sep-14 19:16:47       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 22:18:11       new            FINIsNow                    Gnu World]
% Hi!
[08-Sep-14 23:56:38       new           tobiyo254                             ]
% Puerto Rican Power
[09-Sep-14 00:28:37       new          Roonjdoshi                        Lhiva]
[09-Sep-14 01:28:18       new               davis                             ]
[09-Sep-14 02:44:32       new         Luis Suarez                      Uruguay]
[09-Sep-14 04:42:30       new I love it in  the pooper                   the pooper]
% seriously tho
[09-Sep-14 04:46:43       new        maslo smells                         poop]
% who pciked this up?
3174 guestbook entries.

Type 'help' for Commands.
Type 'com' to chat with other users.
Type 'ttytter' to listen to Twitter Tweets anonymously.
Type 'mud' to play the SDFmud.
Type 'mkhomepg' to set up your personal website.

Did you know you can become a permanent LIFETIME member of SDF
by making a onetime donation of $36?  Type 'arpa' for more info!

faeroes:/udd/********> exit

Good Bye from the S D F - 1 ..

Please 'validate' or join 'arpa' soon.
Your support is appreciated!

Thank you!

Connection to faeroes closed.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Connection to sdf.org closed.

作成したユーザでログイン。アカウントが消えるまでに 666 日あるので、消える前に 'validate' してねということ。

$ ssh ******@sdf.org
******@sdf.org's password:
[ '******' will expire in 666 days - Please 'validate' your account soon ]

Please press your BACKSPACE key:
SDF host uptime report for Seattle WA, Dallas TX (USA) and Germany (EU)
             Please use 'tty.sdf.org' for general access

bjork          up  19+22:50,    2 users,  load:   0.25,   0.48,   0.43
faeroes        up  16+00:57,   74 users,  load:   1.02,   0.85,   0.71
iceland        up  40+22:55,   46 users,  load:   0.91,   1.09,   1.18
miku           up     21:35,    2 users,  load:   0.09,   0.24,   0.38
mx             up  16+13:42,  372 users,  load:   1.26,   1.30,   1.27
norge          up   9+21:23,    2 users,  load:   0.14,   0.12,   0.13
odin           up  77+22:22,   42  user,  load:   3.99,   3.92,   3.80
ol             up  16+01:42,    4 users,  load:   0.38,   0.38,   0.45
sdf            up  16+13:56,  141 users,  load:   2.97,   3.92,   4.19
ukato          up  20+08:42,    4  user,  load:   0.02,   0.23,   0.14
vpn            up 515+22:49,  100  user,  load:   0.09,   0.11,   0.08
vps            up  69+13:25,   28 users,  load:   0.25,   0.19,   0.12
vps2           up 224+16:43,   28 users,  load:   0.00,   0.00,   0.00
                              845 total
The Moon is Full
             .--'  o     . .   `--.
          .-'   .    O   .       . `-.
       .-'@   @@@@@@@   .  @@@@@      `-
      /@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   .    \
    ./    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@       . \
   /@@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@@@@@@   O      \
  /@@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@@@@@@@@     @@@
  |@@@@@               . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|
 /@@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@     Full Moon +
 | @@@@    --`-'       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |  0 12:22:44
 |@ @@@        `    o      .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |  Last Quarter -
 |       @@  @         .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |  6 12:04:09
 \  . @        @@@     `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o
  |      @@   @@@@@ .           @@   .       |
  \     @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O    .     o   .
   \  o  @@     \ \  /         .    .       /
    `\     .    .\.-.___   .      .   .-. /
      \           `-'                `-' /
       `-.   o   / |     o    O   .   .-
          `-.   /     .       .    .-'
             `--.       .      .--'
[07-Sep-14 10:01:19       new             crabckp                          ind]
% carry on
[07-Sep-14 20:26:12       new              Kaljob                             ]
% This is amazing folks
[08-Sep-14 03:20:03       new                                            jarta]
% sad
[08-Sep-14 08:02:05       new        Ben Cottrell                  New Zealand]
% thanks for the free service.
[08-Sep-14 08:33:46       new              jimfan                    Hong Kong]
% Free Unix time sharing!!!
[08-Sep-14 09:44:16       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 13:42:56       new       Óscar Pérez                    Barcelona]
[08-Sep-14 18:46:18       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 18:52:21       new                 kim                  springfield]
[08-Sep-14 19:16:47       new                                                 ]
[08-Sep-14 22:18:11       new            FINIsNow                    Gnu World]
% Hi!
[08-Sep-14 23:56:38       new           tobiyo254                             ]
% Puerto Rican Power
[09-Sep-14 00:28:37       new          Roonjdoshi                        Lhiva]
[09-Sep-14 01:28:18       new               davis                             ]
[09-Sep-14 02:44:32       new         Luis Suarez                      Uruguay]
[09-Sep-14 04:42:30       new I love it in  the pooper                   the pooper]
% seriously tho
[09-Sep-14 04:46:43       new        maslo smells                         poop]
% who pciked this up?
3174 guestbook entries.

Type 'help' for Commands.
Type 'com' to chat with other users.
Type 'ttytter' to listen to Twitter Tweets anonymously.
Type 'mud' to play the SDFmud.
Type 'mkhomepg' to set up your personal website.

Did you know you can become a permanent LIFETIME member of SDF
by making a onetime donation of $36?  Type 'arpa' for more info!


validate するには、$1 が必要。そうすると、結構できることが増える。

sdf:/udd/********> validate

Validation is basically designed to protect us from spammers.  There are
ways you can get validated by an SDF member.  For instance if you were a
student and your professor taught a class here on SDF you could gain
validation through that class.

If you were referred to SDF by a friend or a current SDF member, they may
be able to validate your new account for you.  You can usually find SDF
regulars in either 'com' or 'irc'.  Be sure to ask them to help you.


Validating your account ensures our future!  Please do it today.
Remember, you make SDF what it is.  Without you, we wouldn't exist.

 1) Get a stamped envelope, a sheet of paper and ONE (1) US Dollar.
 2) Write '******' clearly in the upper left hand corner of the envelope.
 3) Fold the donation inside a piece of paper and place inside the envelope.
    OPTIONAL: Send TWO (2) US Dollars & SASE for an SDF Bumper Sticker.

 4) Seal and mail to:      SDF Public Access UNIX System
                           Post Office Box 17355
                           Seattle WA 98127 USA

Alternatively you may 'validate' your account via PAYPAL by clicking on the
'DONATE' button at the bottom of the http://sdf.org website.  The paypal
minimum is $3.  Please include 'Validate ******' in the Payment For field.

We also accept BitCoin - Please type 'bitcoin' for details.

You may also credit the validation fee towards 'arpa' membership should
you decide to join 'arpa' within 30 days of validating your account.


To see what you get as a validated member, type 'user'
For Lifetime ARPA membership to SDF via paypal, type 'arpa'
To see a list of UNIX commands you can use *NOW*, type 'unix'
To view user contributed tutorials, visit http://sdf.org/?tutorials
US Military Personnel, please type 'mil'

sdf:/udd/********> user

Validated users ($1.00 or more) have immediate access to:

 200mb total (home, web, mail & gopher)
 incoming file transfers via ftp or sftp
 elm, pine, mutt, mailx, rmail, pop3, gopher
 bash, ash, ksh, tcsh, rc, zsh, tclsh
 your URL http://******.freeshell.org
 limited cgi execution (shell scripts)
 icq, aim, talk, commode, bboard
 dialup ppp/shell access in the US and Canada
 USENET and ClariNET read/post access
 freeirc on Saturdays and Sundays
 hundreds of UNIX utilities

The purpose of the prevalidated account is to help newusers
learn about the UNIX system.  Type 'unix' to see what UNIX
commands are available to you right now.  You can validate
your account today! type 'validate' to validate

free USERだとできることは限られている。たとえばscreenを起動させると以下のメッセージが現れて起動できない。arpa メンバーになればこの制限は回避できる。そのためには少なくとも $36 が必要。

sdf:/udd/********> screen

To use this feature, please join the SDF 'arpa' membership
ARPA membership is available to you for a one time donation of only $36.

Your membership ensures our future!  Type 'arpa' for details.

sdf:/udd/********> arpa

ARPA members have immediate access to:

 600mb total / 20000 files in four areas
 access to multiple subdomains                              (mkhomepg -a)
 voting priviledges on new system features                  (vote)
 telnet, ssh, ytalk, irc, irssi (non-proxy)
 wget, snarf, ftp, scp
 gcc, perl, php, python, ruby, et cetera
 Mail and USENET news via UUCP
 SDF VoIP Basic Telephony Service
 (type 'software arpa' for a complete list of programs)
 access to join VHOST, DNS, VPM, DBA, TWEAK & MetaARPA membership levels

You too can become a LIFETIME member of the ARPA group by sending a
ONE TIME contribution of $36 (or more!) to SDF.  NON-US Residents can join
ARPA by sending the amount via International Money Order, cash (US/EURO) or
by PAYPAL.  Be sure to include your user id of '******'

  LAND                       INTERNET (donations of $3.00 or more)
|  SDF Public Access UNIX  |  PAYPAL.COM:   paypal@freeshell.org  |
|  PO BOX 17355            |                                      |
|  SEATTLE WA 98127 USA    |  (Be sure to include your user id)   |
Acceptable funds:  Western Union, Cheques, Money Orders, US, CDN, EURO, UK, YEN


  1. はてなブックマーク
  2. Google Bookmarks
  3. del.icio.us


  1. Posted: 2008-11-06T23:00:46+09:00
  2. Modified: 2008-11-06T23:00:46+09:00
  3. Generated: 2025-02-17T23:09:16+09:00