# diff /etc/screenrc{,.dpkg-dist} 90a91,93 > # Enable non-blocking mode to better cope with flaky ssh connections. > defnonblock 5 >
# grep -v '^$' /etc/screenrc | grep -v '#' deflogin on vbell on vbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! " defscrollback 1024 bind ^k bind ^\ bind \\ quit bind K kill bind I login on bind O login off bind } history termcapinfo vt100 dl=5\E[M hardstatus off termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt*|kterm*|Eterm* hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;\007 hardstatus string "%h%? users: %u%?" termcapinfo xterm*|linux*|rxvt*|Eterm* OP termcapinfo xterm 'is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l' defnonblock 5