02:34:56 weechat | Plugins loaded: 02:34:56 weechat | irc: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | rmodifier: Regex modifier plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | fifo: Fifo plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | python: Python plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | relay: Network communication between WeeChat and remote application 02:34:56 weechat | perl: Perl plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | alias: Alias plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | xfer: Xfer (file transfer and direct chat) plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | charset: Charset plugin for WeeChat 02:34:56 weechat | logger: Logger plugin for WeeChat
02:32:38 weechat | python scripts loaded: 02:32:38 weechat | (none)
/help python
02:32:45 weechat | 02:32:45 weechat | [python] /python list|listfull [<name>] 02:32:45 weechat | load <filename> 02:32:45 weechat | autoload 02:32:45 weechat | reload|unload [<name>] 02:32:45 weechat | 02:32:45 weechat | list/load/unload scripts 02:32:45 weechat | 02:32:45 weechat | list: list loaded scripts 02:32:45 weechat | listfull: list loaded scripts (verbose) 02:32:45 weechat | load: load a script 02:32:45 weechat | autoload: load all scripts in "autoload" directory 02:32:45 weechat | reload: reload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts, then load all scripts in "autoload" directory) 02:32:45 weechat | unload: unload a script (if no name given, unload all scripts) 02:32:45 weechat | filename: script (file) to load 02:32:45 weechat | name: a script name (name used in call to "register" function) 02:32:45 weechat | 02:32:45 weechat | Without argument, this command lists all loaded scripts.
/python load python/weeget.py
02:32:57 weechat | python: loading script "/**********/.weechat/python/weeget.py" 02:32:57 weechat | python: registered script "weeget", version 1.4 (WeeChat scripts manager)
02:39:10 weechat | python scripts loaded: 02:39:10 weechat | weeget v1.4 - WeeChat scripts manager
/help weeget
02:39:39 weechat | 02:39:39 weechat | [python] /weeget list|listinstalled [<text>|<tag>] 02:39:39 weechat | show <script> 02:39:39 weechat | install|remove <script> [<script>...] 02:39:39 weechat | check|update|upgrade 02:39:39 weechat | 02:39:39 weechat | WeeChat scripts manager 02:39:39 weechat | 02:39:39 weechat | list: list scripts (search text if given) 02:39:39 weechat | listinstalled: list installed scripts (search text if given) 02:39:39 weechat | show: show detailed information about a script (in repository) 02:39:39 weechat | install: install/upgrade script(s) 02:39:39 weechat | check: check if local scripts needs upgrade 02:39:39 weechat | update: update local scripts cache 02:39:39 weechat | upgrade: upgrade all local scripts if they are obsolete 02:39:39 weechat | remove: remove script(s) 02:39:39 weechat | 02:39:39 weechat | Indicators in lists (first column): 02:39:39 weechat | i script is installed 02:39:39 weechat | ? unknown script 02:39:39 weechat | r script is running (loaded) 02:39:39 weechat | N script is obsolete (new version available) 02:39:39 weechat | 02:39:39 weechat | Examples: 02:39:39 weechat | /weeget list => list all scripts 02:39:39 weechat | /weeget list game => list all scripts with text/tag "game" 02:39:39 weechat | /weeget install beep.pl => install script beep.pl 02:39:39 weechat | /weeget remove beep.pl => remove script beep.pl
/weeget update
02:40:13 weechat | weeget: downloading list of scripts... 02:40:15 weechat | weeget: scripts downloaded
/weeget upgrade
02:40:27 weechat | weeget: downloading "buffers.pl"... 02:40:29 weechat | perl: script removed: ***********/.weechat/perl/buffers.pl 02:40:29 weechat | perl: loading script "***********/.weechat/perl/buffers.pl" 02:40:29 weechat | perl: registered script "buffers", version 2.6 (Sidebar with list of buffers) 02:40:29 weechat | New key binding (context "mouse"): @item(buffers):button1* => hsignal:buffers_mouse 02:41:00 weechat | perl: unloading script "buffers" 02:41:00 weechat | perl: script "buffers" unloaded
/weeget install cron.py
02:48:48 weechat | weeget: downloading "cron.py"... 02:48:50 weechat | python: loading script "***********/.weechat/python/cron.py" 02:48:50 weechat | python: registered script "cron", version 0.3 (Time-based scheduler, like cron and at) 02:48:50 weechat | cron: file not found: "***********/.weechat/cron.txt"
02:50:03 weechat | python scripts loaded: 02:50:03 weechat | cron v0.3 - Time-based scheduler, like cron and at 02:50:03 weechat | weeget v1.4 - WeeChat scripts manager