R.A. Epigonos et al.

[Privoxy] 単純なproxyサーバとして使う。

PrivoxyとTorの組み合わせとして使う解説が多いのだけれど、単純なhttp Proxyとしても使える。


# vi /etc/privoxy/config


#  5.1. forward
#  =============
#  Specifies:
#      To which parent HTTP proxy specific requests should be routed.
#  Type of value:
#      target_pattern http_parent[:port]
#      where target_pattern is a URL pattern that specifies to which
#      requests (i.e. URLs) this forward rule shall apply. Use /
#      to denote "all URLs".  http_parent[:port] is the DNS name or
#      IP address of the parent HTTP proxy through which the requests
#      should be forwarded, optionally followed by its listening port
#      (default: 8080). Use a single dot (.) to denote "no forwarding".
#  Default value:
#      Unset
#  Effect if unset:
#      Don't use parent HTTP proxies.
#  Notes:
#      If http_parent is ".", then requests are not forwarded to
#      another HTTP proxy but are made directly to the web servers.
#      Multiple lines are OK, they are checked in sequence, and the
#      last match wins.
#  Examples:
#      Everything goes to an example parent proxy, except SSL on port
#      443 (which it doesn't handle):
#        forward   /      parent-proxy.example.org:8080
#        forward   :443   .
#      Everything goes to our example ISP's caching proxy, except for
#      requests to that ISP's sites:
#        forward   /                  caching-proxy.isp.example.net:8000
#        forward   .isp.example.net   .
         forward   /                .



  1. privoxy forward - Google 検索
  2. Privoxyであれこれ
  3. Tor 解説サイト - Privoxy 設定方法


  1. はてなブックマーク
  2. Google Bookmarks
  3. del.icio.us


  1. Posted: 2009-04-23T19:29:48+09:00
  2. Modified: 2009-04-23T19:29:48+09:00
  3. Generated: 2025-02-17T23:09:16+09:00